Хайп-Мониторинг Поиск Новых Хайпов

Детально о Хайпе Hawkmoney

Инвестиционные планы: 1.6-2.4% for 30-60 days


Наш депозит: $10.00

Выплачено: 43%

Была выплата: 26.02.2010

Минимальный вклад: $10

Максимальный вклад: $5000

Реф-программа: 10%

Поддержка: -

Выплаты: Вручную

Начисление: Календарные дни

Возврат вклада: Да, в конце

Работал: дней

Наблюдался: 5413 дней

Голосование: 4 / 5

Минимальная выплата: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
HawkMoney.com initiated its activity the fields to investor's capital through world and to invest in reliable parts of the globe using some experts and specialists in the field. HawkMoney.com is active in investing in different sectors including exchange market, forex, different agricultural, industrial, oil, gold and international stock markets. HawkMoney.com manage in the main following markets: 50% of the main investment by the company is related to quick-yield markets like: stock, gold, Forex and oil markets. 50% is done in newly established markets including Bio technology, IT, infrastructure, Nano-technology and in different agricultural sectors through the globe. But in different industrial, civil fields.

Платежные системы: PaymentLiberty Reserve | PaymentPerfect Money

Особенности: FeatureЗащита от DDoS

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