Детально о Хайпе Xares Funds
Инвестиционные планы: 0.0-1.0% daily for 60-100 days
Наш депозит: $46.00
Выплачено: 14%
Была выплата: 25.06.2010
Минимальный вклад: $10
Максимальный вклад: $2500
Реф-программа: Нет
Поддержка: -
Выплаты: Вручную
Начисление: Календарные дни
Возврат вклада: Да, в конце
Работал: 91 день
Наблюдался: 91 день
Голосование: 5 / 5
Минимальная выплата: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
Xares Funds is an independent and privately owned financial group.
The principal activity is the provision of high quality investment services to members through its user-friendly platform.
We worked in Forex market for several years and have more experience about Forex trading, money management and market analysis.
The innovative technology automated Forex trading system we use is based on modern advanced techniques and trading strategies.
The system uses low leverage to minimize the risks in Forex trading and to generate above average results.
Beside our automated Forex trading system, we also trade manual to archive higher profits since there is no automated Forex trading system with human intelligence...
Платежные системы: Payza (AlertPay) | Liberty Reserve
Особенности: SSL-шифрование
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