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300% RCB

StarGate LTD Project Details

Investment plans: 1% - 4% daily termless


Our deposit: $165.00

Payout ratio: 26%

Last paid: Oct 31st, 2017

Minimal spend: $1

Maximal spend: $100,000

Referral bonus: 10%*

Support: -

Withdrawal: Manual

Interest charge: Calendar days

Principal return: Included in earnings

Worked: 59 days

Monitored: 40 days

Users voting: 5 / 5

Minimum withdrawal: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
At the moment the most developed region is the foreign exchange market. Every day in this area revolve millions of dollars, by the way, the dollar is growing every day. And all this tells us that if properly invest in the foreign exchange market, you can quickly get the net profit. Our company closely monitors trends in the market. Every day we are monitoring all of the financial sector. And now, introducing individuals to earn income with us. Investment is the future for all of us. Encouraged by the fact that we invest money in the market that is quite resistant to the global crisis, that guarantee profits to each investor.

Payment systems: PaymentAdvanced Cash | PaymentBank Wire | PaymentBitcoin | PaymentPayeer | PaymentPerfect Money | PaymentQIWI | PaymentYandex.Money

Project features: FeatureStrong DDoS protection | FeatureSSL with extended validation | FeatureDedicated server/IP | FeatureUnique script | FeatureRegistered company | FeatureOnline chat

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