Investment Monitor New Projects Search
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 Below you can choose Project with needfull profitability, investment terms, status of payouts, referral program, features and project description. it is Qualitative Investment Monitoring since 2009 and had served more than 8900 projects. Our advantage:
  • guarantee of high quality services based on 15 years experience in Investment Monitoring business (examples of work, portfolio);
  • zero monitoring fee, that mean, all amount for listing will be invested in your program;
  • open topics and post daily payment proofs at most popular Investment related forums (our profiles example: DTM, MMGP);
  • 1300 followers total in Telegram group and chat will see your program;
  • post daily payment proofs in our and yours Telegram chat and your Facebook page;
  • 200+ unique visitors will see your program daily at our home page (Statistics);
  • our status button placed at all popular aggregators like H-Metrics (#3 in general rating), InvestorStartPage, AllHyipMonitors, HyipMonitors24, WatchHyipMonitors and many others, so it can increase your positions there;
  • positive votes with payment proofs at yours program page at H-Metrics and InvestorStartPage aggregators;
  • free 728x90 and 468x60 banner placement, depend on listing type, at all our pages.
For order Monitoring service just choose listing package below and follow instructions:
Project listing type Includes services Price Order
Exclusive daily payment proofs posting at 25+ Investment related forums;
daily payment proofs posting in your Telegram chat and Facebook page;
positive voting at H-Metrics and InvestorStartPage;
announcement in our Telegram group and chat;
728x90 and 468x60 banner at all our pages;
top place in rating (+1 or 2 stars)
$200 * Order
Premium daily payment proofs posting at 20 Investment related forums;
positive voting at H-Metrics and InvestorStartPage;
announcement in our Telegram group and chat;
728x90 banner at all our pages;
high place in rating (+0.5 or 1 star)
$100 * Order
Normal daily payment proofs posting at 10 Investment related forums;
positive voting at H-Metrics and InvestorStartPage;
announcement in our Telegram group and chat;
468x60 banner at all rating pages;
usual place in rating
$50 * Order
* 100% of amount will be invested into your program for monitoring purposes. Payment proofs posting is included in price.

Our Ads packages (Banners):
Banner type Size and location Price/week Order
Top 728x90 in rotation, top of all pages $10 Order
Inside 468x60 in rotation, between Projects in list $3 Order
** For banner advertising referral links is allowed.
Our rules and conditions for adding Project or banner advertising:
  • only the administrator or owner can add Project, referral links is not allowed;
  • Project ratings and statuses based on publicly available information and personal experience of monitoring administration. Cannot be disputed, but any comments and suggestions are welcome;
  • we accept bonus deposit, but in this case we can not open threads at all Investment related forums (it is forums rules);
  • we do NOT accept any special/monitoring plans if their profit lower than minimal/first plan in your program;
  • one free lifetime banner available for Premium (728x90 rotating banner) and Normal (468x60 rotating banner) listings, for Exclusive available both banners;
  • if we detect fraud or selective payments, we reserve the right to move Project into the blacklist (SCAM) and/or remove all advertisements without any refunds;
  • we have the right to reject listing request without explanation. In this case money will be refunded.
Beware of scammers in messengers, our contacts only like here.
For payment use only these accounts:
ePayCoreePayCore : E007842
PayeerPayeer : P1050055
TronTron : TVa7F5LvdjqVcJmbWz5KwPrxJRBtGN9MoW
Tether TRC20Tether TRC20 : TVa7F5LvdjqVcJmbWz5KwPrxJRBtGN9MoW
BNB.BSCBNB : 0xe05661195cc22e9EB159Bc3724E62C1B0CD037E9
Tether BEP20Tether BEP20 : 0xe05661195cc22e9EB159Bc3724E62C1B0CD037E9
EthereumEthereum : 0x26d5b74C3641cf57cEb32629eCFa387CB098e444
Tether ERC20Tether ERC20 : 0x26d5b74C3641cf57cEb32629eCFa387CB098e444
BitcoinBitcoin : bc1q7058hel7j5yua70gmpsg4yqkvarnvrwug7sw4a
LitecoinLitecoin : LKrtqZzF1K7FdUR1aqDLzbAwyjhTwbfLJy
DogecoinDogecoin : DDJ4gaxb4ASU7TDDApXj7ya3qg8hQeBFCJ
Bitcoin CashBitcoin Cash : qq9ny49ne0lzngkqgc34uz393s4zfch7dsdasgk83e