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300% RCB

Coins IPO LTD Project Details

Investment plans: 1.18% - 1.27% hourly for 90 hours | 2.75% - 3.25% hourly for 40 hours | 12% - 16% hourly for 20 hours


Our deposit: $65.00

Payout ratio: 497%

Last paid: Mar 15th, 2018

Minimal spend: $5

Maximal spend: $300,000

Referral bonus: 3%

Support: -

Withdrawal: Instant

Interest charge: Calendar days

Principal return: Included in earnings

Worked: 177 days

Monitored: 124 days

Users voting: 4 / 5

Minimum withdrawal: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
Spend your spare time to start earn passive profit hourly and Earn up to 16% hourly.Investment as low as $5,you will able to withdraw instantly at any time.also we pay you 3%~10% commission if you referral others. Coins IPO has 5 years expenese for trading forex and we are switch our business to trading Cryptocurrency in 2013,its genertate higher profit than forex,we make tripple or more profit than forex,but some members dont have skills to trade ,its why we are here to help you our customer earn with Coins Ipo,our goal is earn profit along with our investor , also we will develop Ipocoins to enter cryptocurrency industry in next project.its will also help you to earn more.

Payment systems: PaymentAdvanced Cash | PaymentBitcoin | PaymentEthereum | PaymentLitecoin | PaymentPayeer | PaymentPerfect Money

Project features: FeatureStrong DDoS protection | FeatureSSL encryption | FeatureLicensed GC script | FeatureRegistered company | FeatureOnline chat

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