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300% RCB

Mooner Project Details

Investment plans: 0.15% - 0.55% daily for 15 - 215 days

Status: PAYING

Our deposit: $200.00

Payout ratio: 1%

Last paid: Mar 10th, 2025

Minimal spend: $1

Maximal spend: $9999

Referral bonus: 0.05% from profit

Support: Support E-Mail Support Form

Withdrawal: Manual

Interest charge: Calendar days

Principal return: Yes, after expiration

Lifetime: 11 days

Monitored: 3 days

Users voting: No votes

Minimum withdrawal: $1
Mooner is a centralized platform for hedging investments in decentralized ROI dApps (profit-generating applications). We provide users with tools to minimize risks associated with: Token price fluctuations in underlying applications. Liquidity issues. Rug pulls and other instabilities of DeFi projects. The platform allows investors to focus on achieving their financial goals without constant risk monitoring.

Payment systems: PaymentePayCore | PaymentBNB.BSC | PaymentBitcoin | PaymentEthereum | PaymentSolana | PaymentPayeer | PaymentBank Wire

Project features: FeatureStrong DDoS protection | FeatureSSL encryption | FeatureUnique design | FeatureUnique script | FeatureOnline chat

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