Hyip Legend Project Details
Investment plans: 125% - 300% after 1 day | 300% - 2500% after 7 days | 800% - 5000% after 12 days
Our deposit: $65.00
Payout ratio: 83%
Last paid: Sep 18th, 2017
Minimal spend: $3
Maximal spend: $100,000
Referral bonus: 3-5%
Support: -
Withdrawal: Instant
Interest charge: Calendar days
Principal return: Yes, after expiration
Worked: 10 days
Monitored: 8 days
Users voting: 4 / 5
Minimum withdrawal: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
hyiplegend.com, is a group of experts established a private online platform to attract members who are looking for earning more on their idle Bitcoins. hyiplegend.com is NOT registered company. We are not guarantee or give you any physical contract. All you need is open free account and deposit your Bitcoins and wait till your Bitcoins grow on hourly basis.
Payment systems: Advanced Cash |
Bitcoin |
Ethereum |
Litecoin |
Payeer |
Perfect Money
Project features: DDoS protection |
SSL encryption |
Licensed GC script |
Dedicated server/IP
More information: InvestorsStartPage |
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