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ProfitMiners.biz Project Details

Investment plans: 0.5% daily for 30 days | 103% after 5 days


Our deposit: $100.00

Payout ratio: 97%

Last paid: Jul 27th, 2020

Minimal spend: $10

Maximal spend: $1,000

Referral bonus: 1%

Support: -

Withdrawal: Manual

Interest charge: Calendar days

Principal return: Yes, after expiration

Worked: 307 days

Monitored: 304 days

Users voting: 5 / 5

Minimum withdrawal: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
ProfitMiners is an investment fund that increases profits on bonds, stocks real estates, private equities but primarily on the Forex market. Our team of traders specializes in playing on the Forex market and due to that we can reach from this market a really big profit. We would like to provide our investors the best opportunity to goose up their money though deliberate investments in the most various areas to gain the returns with the highest rate of return. Our professional team of traders and sellers has been still expanding their knowledge. Through colligating technical analysis with fundamental analysis we get the capability to generate such gainings. These all things are contained in this exquisite program, named ProfitMiners. Our most important conception is rendering you the opportunity to invest and obtain the greatest gains, while saving maximum safety. Through combinating diversification with investor's money we can shrine you the maximum profit with minimum risk. Cooperation with us will be easier than it might seems to you. ProfitMiners is a completely new type of investment program that you had never had occasion to meet. Our effort, hard work, and above all knowledge and experience of our specialists, you can observe in our investment program. That means that money which you entrusted us is managed in a planned way and bringing the greatest benefits. Our investment fund offers a good investment opportunity for your money. Diversification is the most important thigh that minimizes the chance and get able to gain larger profits. ProfitMiners investment fund is a solution that provides prosperity and financial stability. ProfitMiners is a company with long experience, which has its financial reserves, software, experience, and especially professionals, who continually undergo training to improve their level of knowledge. Forex investment market is a market with high profitability, high liquidity, above all, a lever, which is very helpful thing when it is able to skillfully exploit.Start earning good money with us today. You will become financially independent in a very short time. Our company is open to all ideas and suggestions about us. We are waiting for any comments posted by you. Thanks to your funds, you can make your life becomes easier, and you will become wealthier. All in a simple and clear steps. Try!

Payment systems: PaymentPerfect Money

Hyip features: FeatureStrong DDoS protection | FeatureSSL encryption

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Date E-Mail IP
Jun 20th, 2020 10:55 AM [email protected] 84.17.53.xxx
ExcellentNew Payment....lovely program for smart investors! Batch: Received Payment 515.00 USD from account U21992821. Memo: API Payment. Payment from ProfitMiners - Request 1634. Payment ID: 1634