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Lite Capital Project Details

Investment plans: 1.6% daily for 110 days | 2% daily for 100 days | 2.5% daily for 90 days | 3% daily for 84 days


Our deposit: $45.00

Payout ratio: 6%

Last paid: Jan 26th, 2020

Minimal spend: 0.2 LTC

Maximal spend: 5 LTC

Referral bonus: 2%

Support: -

Withdrawal: Manual

Interest charge: Calendar days

Principal return: Included in earnings

Worked: 8 days

Monitored: 8 days

Users voting: No votes

Minimum withdrawal: not provided, you can explore website of investment program for details
We are a small multidisciplinary team (10 people) trained in the area of macroeconomic analysis and projection and professional trading in the stock market, corporate actions and leverage systems and cryptography. The experience of several of our partners begins even before the existence of the Blockchain technology, since some of them operated exclusively in the stock market, Forex and real estate since 2005. On the other hand a small part of our partners were working as consultants and others as economic analysts of some private companies in Western Europe, it was from 2013 and 2014 that they noticed that the birth of cryptomonies brought great opportunities for economic and technological growth and despite being an ecosystem initially unknown by some of them, they decided to devote much of their time to learn, analyze and operate efficiently in this market.

Payment systems: PaymentLitecoin

Hyip features: FeatureSSL encryption | FeatureUnique script

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